Today we are going to discuss social media addiction and me. Why are our small electronic devices so addicting? Its amazing, social media is a platform for good. It’s a way to communicate with people. It’s a way to get instant gratification. You can talk to your friends, you can Facebook, Insta, Tweet, & Snapchat. There are so many avenues you can utilize to communicate with your friends. Social media is so powerful, but why is it so addicting?
I want to share with you two reasons why it is so addicting and it has to do with the core of every human being. Every human desires two things...
1. Love
2. Acceptance
Social media is like a drug. We can instantly get on our devices, we can instantly talk with our friends and we can like, share and respond back instantaneously. As we do these things, we get the sensation or perceived feeling as if we are receiving acceptance. We also can feel loved. It’s similar to drug use, in that our brains have endorphin’s, adrenaline, and dopamine which is our brains natural drug that releases when we feel good. When somebody engages with us on our devices and accepts us, likes us, follows us, our brain starts oozing and dripping the natural chemicals that give us the feeling of being loved and accepted. It feels good, right? But is it a fall sense of security? Is it a fake wall that we can hide behind, if not used appropriately. When we engage on social media we can, no doubt, feel the effects of our bodies natural response in our brains... and it’s addicting.
Actually, I’ve experienced this same addiction a few short months ago. I had to delete the Facebook app from my phone because I was on Facebook too much and it was challenging my relationship with my wife. We both made the goal to get rid of the Facebook app so we would be more present with each other. I know many of you are struggling with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat & Group Me addiction. The struggle is real. The desire to constantly be on your phone is palpable. There is a statistic that shows kids age 15-19 are on social media for more than 3 hours per day. 3 hours a day is 1/8 of your day spent on your phone. My question to you is. While you are on your phone, what is happening around you? Who are you not talking to? Who are you not engaging with? Are you that person when you go over to your friends house that text messages them across the room? What are we missing out on?
Here is what I want you to start doing. When you are on your phone, I want you to first recognize you are on your phone. Secondly, I want you to put your phone in your pocket and whatever you are doing, I want you to commit to being 100% present. If you are with your family, spend time with your family. If you are with your friends, spend time with your friends. Don’t allow the addiction to social media to overtake your life. There is so much to learn, there is so much going on around you and the interaction with people will provide you with the two things we all seek, love and acceptance. Stop looking for love and acceptance on your phone. Start looking for love and acceptance in the places that can give it and receive it in the most powerful way… relationships and people.
My challenge to you is to be present in all you do, and as you do so, you will develop deeper more meaningful relationships. By not spending so much time on your phone, you will find amazing happiness. You will find the relationships you desire, those people will start giving you the love and acceptance you need. This is the real love… This is the real acceptance… This is lasting. While social media is addicting, use it for the good it is desired to be, but be present in all you do. Put your phone in your pocket and you will find the love and acceptance from the people who want to give it to you. I hope you DREAM BIG, I hope you CREATE that dream and I hope you LIVE IT.